Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Origins Of My Title

Hello and welcome. I am so happy you're reading me right now! This is my first post. I wanted to do something in my life that was mine, unedited, unapologetic and me. However, as I was thinking of what to name my blog, the internal editor went to work.

I went to see the new "Sex and The City" movie today and was pleasantly surprised at the delight it gave me. I've been watching the show since I was a teenager in Iowa. It's not what made me want to move to New York, nor did I think my life would emulate the themes of the show. But since I am a huge fan and a woman, I can't help but compare my life in New York City to the life of Carrie Bradshaw.
It's not the same. I am not working in my desired field, I can't afford to pay my utility bills let alone feed a shoe fetish and well, there is no Big or Aidin in the picture. Hence the name, "No Sex In The City".

I, of course, am nervous to put that down. Is it too revealing? Am I setting myself up for ridicule, judgement? By admitting to all I have not yet acquired in life and am still seeking, have I already sold myself short? Oh, screw it. Here we go. The one thing I have in common with those women, is this city. I have survived in this city for the past seven years on my own. There has been some glamour, tears, laughs, trials, great friends, and no sex.

So here we go. We've only just begun.


  1. Girl, me too! I loved the show but I can't relate to Carrie and the gang either.....dont have my dream job, or dream man and def not having Samantha esq sex at all!!!!
    Side Note, later for Big, Aidin was always my man ;-)
    And I'm still pissed u went to see it without me *tears*

  2. uhmmmm.....this is amazing vicks! i'm so proud of you. i just read this out loud to will. you are such a talented writer. i love you so much!

  3. Hey lady! Great blog. I have a couple and have always wanted to start a sexin the city blog. We need to chill sometime soon. I miss me some vicky
